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Libertyville Criminal Defense Attorney

Dedicated Criminal Defense Attorney Serving Clients in Libertyville, IL

Our lawyers understand how you may be feeling after getting arrested and charged with a crime. You may be fearful, embarrassed, and under more stress than you ever have been before. The justice system is structured in such a way that you might already feel like a convicted criminal even if you have not had your first court date yet. You have the right to be represented by a criminal defense attorney and to fight back against your charges.

Brady Cole Trial Lawyers is here to protect your rights and provide you with the best legal defense possible under the circumstances. We treat every defendant as a unique person and every alleged offense as a unique occurrence. There is no "routine" criminal charge. Every case is different, which means that every defense is different. We will explore all options for achieving a result that leaves you without a criminal record and all paths that do not lead to jail time.

DUI Attorney Serving Libertyville, IL

DUI is one of the most common criminal charges people in Lake County face. While most DUIs are alcohol-related, marijuana DUIs are becoming increasingly common, and other cases may involve the use of prescription drugs or other controlled substances. A first or second DUI without aggravating factors is usually a misdemeanor offense, but a conviction can still result in jail time. Third and subsequent DUIs, or DUIs that involve aggravating factors may be charged as felonies. Aggravating factors include things like carrying a minor passenger, causing an accident that injures someone, or having an extremely high BAC.

Felony Criminal Defense Law Firm

Being charged with a felony can alter the entire course of your life. It is extremely important to have an experienced criminal defense attorney when you are up against one of these serious felony charges:

  • Felony assault - Felonious assault is usually charged when the victim was severely injured or a weapon was used. It is a major violent crime.
  • Felony drug crimes - If you have been accused of trafficking or distributing a controlled substance, you may face serious legal penalties if you are convicted. Possession of larger amounts of certain substances can be treated as a felony even if there is no proof you planned to distribute the drugs in question.
  • Sex crimes - Nearly all sex offenses are felonies. If convicted, you could be forced to register as a sex offender, which can affect every aspect of your life.

Lake County Lawyers for Misdemeanor Charges

Although less serious than a felony, a misdemeanor conviction can still make your life more challenging. It is best to take a misdemeanor case very seriously and work with an experienced defense attorney. Misdemeanor charges we can help with include:

  • Simple theft - Minor theft cases can leave a black mark on your record and make future employers or landlords reluctant to trust you.
  • Traffic offenses - Being charged with driving with a suspended license, reckless driving, aggravated speeding, or other misdemeanor traffic crimes can have a far greater impact than a simple traffic ticket.
  • Simple assault - Assault charges often stem from misunderstandings, false accusations, or self-defense during bar fights. You may have a defense, such as mutual combat, available.
  • Domestic violence - Police rarely witness domestic incidents, meaning that if you are arrested and charged with domestic battery, it may be your word against your accuser's. Erroneous arrests are not uncommon. You could also face penalties if you are accused of violating an order of protection.
  • Drug possession and underage possession - If you are over 18 years old but younger than 21 years old, you could be charged as an adult for possessing alcohol or cannabis products. Possessing small amounts of other substances for personal use may also be handled as a misdemeanor rather than a felony.

In many cases, our lawyers can present a defense strong enough to lead to the eventual dismissal of misdemeanor charges. We will work to ensure that you will be able to avoid serious penalties and move forward with your life after resolving your case.

Contact a Libertyville, IL Criminal Defense Lawyer

Brady Cole Trial Lawyers has successfully represented people charged with all types of criminal offenses, from minor misdemeanors to the most serious felonies. Our lawyers are committed to helping you achieve the best result possible in your case. Contact us at 847-752-9639 for a free consultation

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