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Libertyville DUI Defense Attorney

Trusted DUI Attorney Advocating for Clients in Libertyville, IL

A majority of those who face DUI charges are people who struggle with substance abuse and need help, not jail time. While a first or second DUI in Illinois is usually a misdemeanor, DUIs that involve harm to others or third and subsequent DUIs may be prosecuted as felonies. Regardless of the type of DUI you are charged with, it is important to show the court that you are taking the case seriously and taking steps to avoid a repeat offense, like getting treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction. It is also important to be represented by an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Brady Cole Trial Lawyers is a firm of former prosecutors who are able to anticipate how the state will approach your case. We understand what judges expect and want to see from DUI defendants. This allows us to handle DUI cases in the best possible way. We view each defendant as an individual and look at the specific circumstances behind each case so that we can best help. Our focus is on doing what is best for you.

First and Second Misdemeanor DUI Attorneys in Libertyville, IL

If this is your first DUI - or even your second - and there were no aggravating factors, the good news is you are probably only facing a misdemeanor charge. However, in Illinois, a misdemeanor can still lead to up to a year of jail time, as well as thousands of dollars in fines and other penalties. Although most well-represented individuals can avoid going to jail for a DUI, sentences ranging from a few days to a few months are fairly common.

Third and Subsequent Felony DUI Defense

If you are facing your third or subsequent DUI, the offense will be classified as a felony charge, and you could be sentenced to more than a year in prison if you are convicted. In this situation, it is critical for your case to be handled by an experienced lawyer, as there is a lot at stake. The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is immense. Life as a convicted felon is not easy for most people, as you may struggle with simple things like finding acceptable housing or getting a desirable job.

The court is very likely to impose mandatory inpatient substance abuse treatment, as well as other penalties. If any of your previous DUIs involved an accident or injury, your situation is even more serious, and you could be looking at a lengthy prison sentence.

Aggravated DUI Charges in Lake County

An aggravated DUI may include any situation in which you face felony charges. In some cases, especially if this is your first DUI, we may be able to get your charges reduced to a misdemeanor if there were no extreme injuries or fatalities involved. Your DUI might be considered aggravated if any of the following factors were present:

  • Extremely high BAC
  • Injuries to another person (intoxication assault)
  • Any fatality (intoxication manslaughter)
  • A passenger under 16 years old in your vehicle at the time of the alleged offense
  • Driving a school bus
  • Driving without a valid license or driving without insurance

CDL DUI in Illinois

Commercial driver's license holders are in a greater position of trust than most other drivers. If you hold a CDL and are charged with a DUI, you may face harsh penalties, starting with the suspension or revocation of your commercial license. If you were driving a truck containing hazardous waste, you may have even greater legal troubles ahead, as operating a hazardous waste vehicle while intoxicated is seen as a serious public danger.

You should also know that the legal BAC limit is lower for CDL holders than for other drivers. Driving a commercial vehicle with a BAC of 0.04% can be considered a DUI, while the normal limit is 0.08%.

Contact a Libertyville, IL DUI Attorney

Brady Cole Trial Lawyers can represent you with skill and confidence if you are facing any type of DUI charge. Our experienced Lake County DUI lawyers will approach your case strategically to get you the best possible result. Contact us at 847-752-9639 for a complimentary consultation.

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